Wednesday, March 9, 2011


The Cultural Landscape Foundation is seeking nominations of significant at-risk parks, gardens, horticultural features and working landscapes to be featured in the 2011 Landslide: The Landscape I Love.

Go to to learn more about this year's Landslide and submit a nomination of an individual and landscape. The deadline for nominations is March 31.

Since its inception in 2003, the Landslide initiative has spotlighted more than 150 significant at-risk parks, gardens, horticultural features, and working landscapes. This year's theme will again do so by calling attention to the places that embody our shared landscape heritage and the people that work tirelessly to preserve, interpret and protect them. Help us bring attention to individuals and the sites they love-nominate an at-risk cultural landscape and the person working to preserve it to the 2011 Landslide.